Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where Has the Time Gone?

I have been thinking lately that I need to update my blog and post something new. I knew that it had been a while since I had updated anything on it, but imagine my surprise when I logged in and realized that it had been over a year since my last posting. Oh my goodness. I must admit it has been a busy year, but where has the time gone? The first part of the year brought about a job promotion. Just as I was trying to get settled into the new position, I found myself looking for a new home and before I knew it I was in smack-dab in the middle of a a townhouse...with two flights of stairs...up which heavy furniture had to be carried. All the while I have been continuing to take classes toward my Master's degree in counseling. I was more than a little pleased when I finally sat down a couple of weeks ago to figure out just how far into the program I am. I should be finished in December of 2010. I have tried to make time for family and friends throughout the year, but have not been very successful in this area. I am hoping to do better in this aspect during the coming year.

I do thank my God for my wonderful family and friends and pray for many blessing for all as this year ends and we make our way into the new year.

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